Goals & Priorties

The Curriculum Goals

To improve and maintain student learning by providing an integrated curriculum, which interest the learner. This will be achieved by implementing the Integrated Program according to set plans. Levels of achievement are measured by a formal and informal assessment and recording. To provide a range of assessment procedures which measure the effectiveness of learning. This will be implemented through an assessment and evaluation policy and programs. To provide a comprehensive reporting package to inform parents and students and to guide students in their learning. This will be achieved by written reports, interviews, newsletters, assembly and meetings . To provide a method to assess and improve the above goals. This will be achieved by regular staff meetings, teacher appraisal, community survey and parents feedback. To introduce scientific methods developed by ESAV, DE&T, and Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA) and through experts in the community here and abroad

The Environment Goals

To provide safe, secure, caring and pleasant learning environment. This will be delivered through Welfare and Discipline Policy, trained First Aid teachers and parents, adopting Occupational Health Safety measures and use of approved building. This will be measured by routine checks, community surveys and observations. To introduce culturally based program including classical music, cultural dance, plays based on Tamil History and Culture and debates covering all these aspects. To provide the opportunity to the students to demonstrate their skills in this area to their fellow students and the wider Australian community. To foster positive and responsible community attitudes through school Welfare and Discipline Policy and program. This will be measured by community survey, observation of positive behavioural patterns, relationship between students and community organizations, high community attendance and school functions and sports meets

Management Goals

To provide efficient educational management through clearly defined policies, responsibilities and expectations for all sections of the school community, system of curriculum committees, staff appraisal system and staff professional development. These are measured by community survey, increase in student numbers, increase participation of students, and increase in student attendance to school, school reports and observations. To provide efficient administrative management. To elect a team of professionals to, The School Board, along with representatives from all campuses to manage all the school. To elect a team of dedicated parents to manage the individual campuses. This will be implemented by clearly defined roles and responsibilities, documented organisational strategies, effective communication procedures and practices

Resource Goals

To systematically manage the schools resources to maximise the learning capacity of the students. This is implemented through a realistic Budget Program for resource allocation, plan for future development, financial procedure and comprehensive planned approach to fund raising.

Accountability Goals

To monitor, evaluate and report on educational and administrative policies and programs to the community and to the ESAV. This is implemented through the School Board Monthly meetings and reporting to the ETA management committee, campus management committee meetings and reporting the School Board, regular meeting of curriculum staff and reporting to the School Board and adopting the guidelines provided by ESAV, including that of CRC requirements and training of First Aid officers To record and report to parents on students??? progress in all curriculum areas. This is implemented by comprehensive reporting program involving,
-Information nights
-Parent teacher interviews
-Written reports
-Regular Newsletters
-School assemblies
-Open days/nights
-Parent involvement in school programs
-Integration support group structure
The achievement would be measured by parent involvement and attendance at school functions, parent???s acceptance and satisfaction with reporting methods, active response to suggestions for improvement in reporting to parents.


To provide opportunity for the Tamil children to learn the Tamil language and Culture. To encourage students to take Tamil as a LOTE subject for VCE To collect and provide information to students and parents which is comprehensive and useful in promoting enhanced learning outcomes To develop policy and program, which provide clear guidelines and strategies for teachers to assess, monitor and report on student outcomes. Use of modern technology where ever possible during teaching. Use internet as a medium of communication and have an up to date web site to impart information to students and teachers such as http://www.etatamilschool.org.